Saturday, November 28, 2015

Stop Wasting Your Money


So, Miss One Day Millionaire or I’ll call her Miss ODM grabbed her purse and could not stop pouring her money around in exchange of the goods that she “ON THE SPOT” thought CHEAP and WORTH BUYING. Then, to her surprise her room is full of “STUFF” just lying around. Most of them were just used once or twice since they were bought. Miss ODM enjoys staring at her “STUFFS” until one day an unexpected expense popped out of nowhere but could no longer able to finance it because Miss ODM had already sprinkled all her monthly salary around. So, Miss ODM has to call out to friends to help her out until she was buried in debt. Only then that our Miss ODM started to learn how to segregate a little amount from her monthly salary for emergencies.

Stop wasting your money.  Before buying whatever it is that is on SALE, you should asked yourself whether it is really a necessity or you are just buying it because you think it’s cheap. Do you really need it? Or just the impulse kicking again? Don’t be fooled by the “CHEAP” labels you see at the malls. Think before you spend, it’s worth it. 

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